United States Well-Being Factors Cross-Correlations

L. David Roper (roperld@vt.edu)

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There are many factors that describe the well-being of a populace. Some of them relate to physical health, including mental health, and some relate to social health, including economic health.

This is a study of the correlations between various such factors and the two major political parties in the United States (Democrat and Republican). The question being asked is: Does one of the two major political parties in the United Staes correlate better with these health factors than the other? If so, then one can conclude that some of the conditions that favor the factor in question likely favor the highly-correlated political party being in power.

For the results of the study, see http://arts.bev.net/roperldavid/politics/USHealth.htm.

An interesting by-product of this study is how the various well-being factors correlate with each other. The following tables give those results.

Correlations of U.S. Well-Being Factors
Population /Area Occupational Deaths Suicides Auto Deaths Gun Deaths
Suicides -0.624 Population /Area -0.420 Population /Area -0.624 College Degree -0.616 Population /Area -0.536
Auto Deaths -0.551 Abortions -0.309 Toxins Released /Area -0.441 Population /Area -0.551 College Degree -0.448
Gun Deaths -0.536 Toxins Released /Area -0.281 Abortions -0.388 Abortions -0.482 Abortions -0.283
Occupational Deaths -0.420 College Degree -0.183 State/Local Police -0.281 Drug-induced Deaths -0.159 State/Local Police 0.048
Toxins Released /Capita -0.345 State/Local Police -0.119 Cardiovascular Deaths -0.251 State/Local Police -0.067 Toxins Released /Area 0.055
Poverty -0.262 Cancer Deaths -0.117 College Degree -0.249 Toxins Released /Area -0.026 Drug-induced Deaths 0.079
Property Crime -0.148 Drug-induced Deaths -0.103 Cancer Deaths -0.223 Cancer Deaths 0.042 Child Abuse 0.236
Medical Uninsured -0.141 Cardiovascular Deaths -0.012 Infant Mortality -0.052 Violent Crime 0.157 Cancer Deaths 0.244
Infant Mortality -0.126 Violent Crime 0.018 Violent Crime -0.036 Prisoners 0.230 Cardiovascular Deaths 0.372
Homicides /Interventions -0.084 Property Crime 0.054 Prisoners 0.050 Child Abuse 0.234 Property Crime 0.384
Cirrhosis Deaths -0.068 Homicides /Interventions 0.084 Homicides /Interventions 0.070 Property Crime 0.235 Violent Crime 0.413
Cardiovascular Deaths -0.019 Medical Uninsured 0.128 Poverty 0.194 Cardiovascular Deaths 0.309 Poverty 0.476
Child Abuse 0.002 Poverty 0.146 Medical Uninsured 0.244 Cirrhosis Deaths 0.358 Prisoners 0.491
Prisoners 0.083 Cirrhosis Deaths 0.166 Drug-induced Deaths 0.255 Homicides /Interventions 0.432 Occupational Deaths 0.507
Violent Crime 0.173 Infant Mortality 0.191 Property Crime 0.278 Medical Uninsured 0.471 Toxins Released /Capita 0.507
Drug-induced Deaths 0.179 Child Abuse 0.207 Child Abuse 0.313 Occupational Deaths 0.471 Cirrhosis Deaths 0.520
Cancer Deaths 0.234 Prisoners 0.240 Toxins Released /Capita 0.347 Infant Mortality 0.532 Medical Uninsured 0.532
Abortions 0.427 Toxins Released /Capita 0.244 Cirrhosis Deaths 0.518 Suicides 0.552 Infant Mortality 0.557
Toxins Released /Area 0.438 Auto Deaths 0.471 Occupational Deaths 0.538 Poverty 0.577 Suicides 0.648
State/Local Police 0.458 Gun Deaths 0.507 Auto Deaths 0.552 Toxins Released /Capita 0.591 Homicides /Interventions 0.727
College Degree 0.490 Suicides 0.538 Gun Deaths 0.648 Gun Deaths 0.766 Auto Deaths 0.766
Correlations of U.S. Well-Being Factors
Toxins Released /Capita Toxins Released /Area College Degree Child Abuse Infant Mortality
Population /Area -0.345 Suicides -0.441 Auto Deaths -0.616 College Degree -0.125 College Degree -0.452
Abortions -0.337 Occupational Deaths -0.281 Cardiovascular Deaths -0.528 Toxins Released /Area -0.081 Drug-induced Deaths -0.341
College Degree -0.306 College Degree -0.162 Poverty -0.504 State/Local Police -0.030 Abortions -0.170
Drug-induced Deaths -0.068 Drug-induced Deaths -0.129 Infant Mortality -0.452 Abortions -0.023 Population /Area -0.126
State/Local Police -0.063 Child Abuse -0.081 Gun Deaths -0.448 Property Crime -0.022 Suicides -0.052
Violent Crime 0.013 Cirrhosis Deaths -0.074 Toxins Released /Capita -0.306 Cancer Deaths -0.003 Cirrhosis Deaths -0.042
Cancer Deaths 0.017 Auto Deaths -0.026 Cancer Deaths -0.291 Cardiovascular Deaths -0.002 Child Abuse 0.106
Prisoners 0.067 Poverty 0.003 Suicides -0.249 Drug-induced Deaths 0.009 State/Local Police 0.127
Cirrhosis Deaths 0.073 Medical Uninsured 0.010 Medical Uninsured -0.247 Homicides /Interventions 0.050 Property Crime 0.149
Cardiovascular Deaths 0.106 Property Crime 0.047 Homicides /Interventions -0.217 Violent Crime 0.057 Occupational Deaths 0.191
Child Abuse 0.197 Gun Deaths 0.055 Occupational Deaths -0.183 Infant Mortality 0.106 Medical Uninsured 0.196
Property Crime 0.215 Abortions 0.107 Toxins Released /Area -0.162 Prisoners 0.164 Toxins Released /Capita 0.303
Medical Uninsured 0.223 Toxins Released /Capita 0.261 Child Abuse -0.125 Toxins Released /Capita 0.197 Poverty 0.309
Occupational Deaths 0.244 State/Local Police 0.325 Cirrhosis Deaths -0.090 Occupational Deaths 0.207 Violent Crime 0.368
Toxins Released /Area 0.261 Prisoners 0.325 Prisoners -0.049 Population /Area 0.207 Cancer Deaths 0.430
Homicides /Interventions 0.279 Violent Crime 0.368 Property Crime 0.016 Cirrhosis Deaths 0.209 Toxins Released /Area 0.475
Infant Mortality 0.303 Homicides /Interventions 0.408 Violent Crime 0.049 Medical Uninsured 0.231 Prisoners 0.500
Suicides 0.347 Population /Area 0.438 State/Local Police 0.261 Auto Deaths 0.234 Auto Deaths 0.532
Poverty 0.396 Infant Mortality 0.475 Drug-induced Deaths 0.352 Gun Deaths 0.236 Gun Deaths 0.557
Gun Deaths 0.507 Cardiovascular Deaths 0.505 Abortions 0.421 Poverty 0.271 Homicides /Interventions 0.658
Auto Deaths 0.591 Cancer Deaths 0.561 Population /Area 0.490 Suicides 0.313 Cardiovascular Deaths 0.704
Correlations of U.S. Well-Being Factors
Property Crime Prisoners Medical Uninsured Cirrhosis Deaths Poverty Homicides /Interventions
Cancer Deaths -0.306 College Degree -0.049 College Degree -0.247 College Degree -0.090 College Degree -0.504 College Degree -0.217
Cardiovascular Deaths -0.170 Suicides 0.050 Cancer Deaths -0.004 Toxins Released /Area -0.074 Population /Area -0.262 Population /Area -0.084
Population /Area -0.148 Toxins Released /Capita 0.067 Toxins Released /Area 0.010 Infant Mortality -0.042 Toxins Released /Area 0.003 Child Abuse 0.050
Child Abuse -0.022 Population /Area 0.083 Occupational Deaths 0.128 Cardiovascular Deaths -0.021 Abortions 0.029 Suicides 0.070
College Degree 0.016 Drug-induced Deaths 0.099 Population /Area 0.128 Cancer Deaths 0.017 Cancer Deaths 0.035 Occupational Deaths 0.084
Toxins Released /Area 0.047 Child Abuse 0.164 Abortions 0.137 Abortions 0.063 Drug-induced Deaths 0.054 Abortions 0.131
Occupational Deaths 0.054 Poverty 0.230 Infant Mortality 0.196 Toxins Released /Capita 0.073 State/Local Police 0.085 Drug-induced Deaths 0.221
Infant Mortality 0.149 Auto Deaths 0.230 Cardiovascular Deaths 0.198 Occupational Deaths 0.166 Occupational Deaths 0.146 Toxins Released /Capita 0.279
Abortions 0.170 Occupational Deaths 0.240 Toxins Released /Capita 0.223 Population /Area 0.166 Property Crime 0.175 Cancer Deaths 0.373
Poverty 0.175 Cancer Deaths 0.245 Child Abuse 0.231 State/Local Police 0.184 Suicides 0.194 Cirrhosis Deaths 0.389
Toxins Released /Capita 0.215 Abortions 0.259 Suicides 0.244 Child Abuse 0.209 Violent Crime 0.218 Toxins Released /Area 0.408
State/Local Police 0.229 Cirrhosis Deaths 0.307 Drug-induced Deaths 0.268 Property Crime 0.284 Prisoners 0.230 Auto Deaths 0.432
Auto Deaths 0.235 Toxins Released /Area 0.325 State/Local Police 0.274 Prisoners 0.307 Child Abuse 0.271 Poverty 0.438
Suicides 0.278 Cardiovascular Deaths 0.383 Auto Deaths 0.471 Auto Deaths 0.358 Cardiovascular Deaths 0.293 State/Local Police 0.442
Cirrhosis Deaths 0.284 State/Local Police 0.398 Property Crime 0.479 Homicides /Interventions 0.389 Infant Mortality 0.309 Property Crime 0.520
Gun Deaths 0.384 Property Crime 0.457 Prisoners 0.484 Poverty 0.399 Toxins Released /Capita 0.396 Cardiovascular Deaths 0.539
Prisoners 0.457 Medical Uninsured 0.484 Cirrhosis Deaths 0.498 Violent Crime 0.424 Cirrhosis Deaths 0.399 Medical Uninsured 0.581
Drug-induced Deaths 0.461 Gun Deaths 0.491 Violent Crime 0.513 Medical Uninsured 0.498 Homicides /Interventions 0.438 Infant Mortality 0.658
Medical Uninsured 0.479 Infant Mortality 0.500 Gun Deaths 0.532 Suicides 0.518 Gun Deaths 0.476 Prisoners 0.687
Homicides /Interventions 0.520 Violent Crime 0.624 Homicides /Interventions 0.581 Gun Deaths 0.520 Auto Deaths 0.577 Gun Deaths 0.727
Violent Crime 0.606 Homicides /Interventions 0.687 Poverty 0.689 Drug-induced Deaths 0.608 Medical Uninsured 0.689 Violent Crime 0.779
Correlations of U.S. Well-Being Factors
Cardiovascular Deaths Violent Crime Drug-induced Deaths Cancer Deaths State/Local Police Abortions
College Degree -0.528 Suicides -0.036 Cardiovascular Deaths -0.400 Property Crime -0.306 Suicides -0.281 Auto Deaths -0.482
Drug-induced Deaths -0.400 Toxins Released /Capita 0.013 Infant Mortality -0.341 College Degree -0.291 Occupational Deaths -0.119 Suicides -0.388
Suicides -0.251 Occupational Deaths 0.018 Cancer Deaths -0.268 Drug-induced Deaths -0.268 Auto Deaths -0.067 Toxins Released /Capita -0.337
Property Crime -0.170 College Degree 0.049 Auto Deaths -0.159 Suicides -0.223 Toxins Released /Capita -0.063 Occupational Deaths -0.309
Abortions -0.056 Child Abuse 0.057 Toxins Released /Area -0.129 Occupational Deaths -0.117 Child Abuse -0.030 Gun Deaths -0.283
Cirrhosis Deaths -0.021 Auto Deaths 0.157 Occupational Deaths -0.103 Abortions -0.045 Gun Deaths 0.048 Infant Mortality -0.170
Population /Area -0.019 Cancer Deaths 0.166 Toxins Released /Capita -0.068 Medical Uninsured -0.004 Poverty 0.085 Cardiovascular Deaths -0.056
Occupational Deaths -0.012 Population /Area 0.173 Child Abuse 0.009 Child Abuse -0.003 Cancer Deaths 0.107 Cancer Deaths -0.045
Child Abuse -0.002 Poverty 0.218 Poverty 0.054 Cirrhosis Deaths 0.017 Cardiovascular Deaths 0.115 Child Abuse -0.023
Toxins Released /Capita 0.106 Cardiovascular Deaths 0.273 Gun Deaths 0.079 Toxins Released /Capita 0.017 Infant Mortality 0.127 Poverty 0.029
State/Local Police 0.115 Toxins Released /Area 0.368 Prisoners 0.099 Poverty 0.035 Cirrhosis Deaths 0.184 Cirrhosis Deaths 0.063
Medical Uninsured 0.198 Infant Mortality 0.368 Population /Area 0.179 Auto Deaths 0.042 Drug-induced Deaths 0.186 Toxins Released /Area 0.107
Violent Crime 0.273 Drug-induced Deaths 0.410 State/Local Police 0.186 State/Local Police 0.107 Property Crime 0.229 Homicides /Interventions 0.131
Poverty 0.293 Gun Deaths 0.413 Homicides /Interventions 0.221 Violent Crime 0.166 College Degree 0.261 Medical Uninsured 0.137
Auto Deaths 0.309 Abortions 0.420 Abortions 0.248 Population /Area 0.234 Medical Uninsured 0.274 Property Crime 0.170
Gun Deaths 0.372 Cirrhosis Deaths 0.424 Suicides 0.255 Gun Deaths 0.244 Toxins Released /Area 0.325 Drug-induced Deaths 0.248
Prisoners 0.383 State/Local Police 0.509 Medical Uninsured 0.268 Prisoners 0.245 Abortions 0.385 Prisoners 0.259
Toxins Released /Area 0.505 Medical Uninsured 0.513 College Degree 0.352 Homicides /Interventions 0.373 Prisoners 0.398 State/Local Police 0.385
Homicides /Interventions 0.539 Property Crime 0.606 Violent Crime 0.410 Infant Mortality 0.430 Homicides /Interventions 0.442 Violent Crime 0.420
Infant Mortality 0.704 Prisoners 0.624 Property Crime 0.461 Toxins Released /Area 0.561 Population /Area 0.458 College Degree 0.421
Cancer Deaths 0.762 Homicides /Interventions 0.779 Cirrhosis Deaths 0.608 Cardiovascular Deaths 0.762 Violent Crime 0.509 Population /Area 0.427

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