World Fossil-Fuels Depletion

L. David Roper
2 July, 2016

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Using the Depletion Theory that I have previously developed, I show here fits to United States and World extraction of crude oil and natural gas.

United States Crude-Oil extraction
These data came from

United States Crude-Oil Extraction

U.S. crude-oil discoveries ( and a Verhulst-function fit to the data.
The total amount of U.S. crude oil to be discovered is about 253x109 barrels.

Fit of the Verhulst function to U.S. crude oil extraction. Note that the peak occurred 1975-8:

The total amount to be extracted is 251x109 barrels, almost exactly the same as for the fit to the U.S. Oil Discoveries.

Fit of the Verhulst function to U.S. crude oil extraction and projection to 2100:

This shows the change in U.S. crude oil extraction since 1945. The biggest recent yearly decrease was -6.7% in 1989 during the BushGHW administration. The average yearly decrease was -3.1% for the BushGHW administration and -2.7% during the Clinton administration. Note that the yearly changes oscillate depending on many factors, but the general trend is downward. No administration should be blamed for most of these factors and no administration can change the fact that the U.S. is running out of economically feasible crude oil.

Alaska Crude-Oil Extraction

Data are from:

The extraction peak occurred in less than 2 decades after the big Prudhoe Bay discovery.

U.S. Natural-Gas Extraction

These data came from
Fit of the Verhulst function to U.S. natural gas extraction. Note that the average peak occurred 1978-8:

The jump just before 1950 is because the previous data did not include wet natural gas.

The red curve is for a final amount of extraction equal to the amount already extracted plus the Energy Information Agency estimate of reserves (about 750x1012 ft3). The blue curve is for a final amount of extraction equal to the amount already extracted plus the resources estimate given in Technology Review, Nov/Dec 2009. p 46 (2074x1012ft3), which includes the dubious estimate of recoverable natural gas in oil shales.

The red fit to the extraction data has the half-down point after the peak at about year 2025, only 15 years from now. And the half-down point after the peak for the blue fit is at about year 2065, 55 years from now. When you are half down after a peak you better be looking for substitutes. Probably the half-down point after the eventual fit peak will be closer to 2025 than to 2065.

Actually shale gas extraction appears to be occurring very fast. If it is separately added to the conventional natural-gas extraction, it is a fast high bump:

United States Petroleum Consumption

These data came from U.S. petroleum consumption since 1949. Note the sharp downward turn during the Carter administration (1977-1980); but then the increases started again by the end of Reagan's first term (1981-1988). Then consumption leveled off during the Bush administration (1989-1992) and then continued the upward trend during the Clinton administration (1993-2000). Note how the onset of Alaska extraction caused a temporary rise in U.S. extraction; but then, after a decade, began to decline. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is estimated to contain 7 x 109 bbl of oil. This is about one year's consumption, but it will probably be extracted over a decade or longer, which will be a negligible blip on these curves.

United States Petroleum Imports

United States Petroleum imports since 1960. Note the sharp downward trend during the Carter administration (1977-1980); but then the increases started again by the end of Reagan's first term (1981-1988). Then the imports leveled off during the Bush administration (1989-1992) and then continued the upward trend during the Clinton administration (1993-2000). Of course, when consumption increased as U.S. extraction went down, the shortfall had to made up by imports and a little taken from stock.

United States Coal Extraction

The red curve is for total eventual extraction of 280 x 109 tons, which is the reserves given in (Click on Reserves below International Data at the bottom left.) The black curve is for twice that amount.

World Crude-Oil Extraction

World crude-oil discoveries ( and a Verhulst-function fit to the data.
The total amount of World crude oil to be discovered is slightly less than 2 x 1012 (2 trillion) barrels.

World crude-oil extraction rate and a Verhulst-function fit to the data obtained by fitting the discoveries data and the extraction data together with a common value for the amount to discovered and extracted. That value searched to 1.965x1012 barrels.

World crude-oil extraction per capita. The extrapolation into the future is obtain by using a fit to World population extrapolated into the future (

Comparison of world oil discoveries and extraction.

The amount under both curves is about 2x1012 barrels.

This graph contains information that probably will have the greatest effect on those now living and born in the future. Crude Oil cannot be extracted if it has not been discovered! This graph shows very clearly why it is very unlikely that the final amount to be extracted will exceed 2x1012 barrels. So far the amount extracted has exceeded 1x1012 barrels, so we are more than halfway there!

Monthly world oil extraction.

The amount extracted per month has been nearly level for three years.

World crude-oil prices

Possibly a better way to project future crude-oil prices is to fit the product of the past prices and the past extraction rate, which yields a world total cost in dollars for crude oil for each year. Neglecting inflation (which could be accounted for by an inflation index as a function of time), it is reasonable to assume that there is a maximum total value, represented by dollars, that the world will assign to crude oil as it becomes depleted. That is, a hyperbolic-tangent function fit to the product might be a reasonable projection to the product. The following graph shows such a fit:

Using the projection of world crude-oil extraction into the future, and the fit in the graph above of the product of price times extraction rate, the projected price of crude oil is:

Another way to project future crude-oil prices is to fit the product of the past prices and the past extraction rate and divide by the population for each year, which yields a world cost in dollars per person for crude oil for each year. Neglecting inflation (which could be accounted for by an inflation index as a function of time), it is reasonable to assume that there is a maximum total value, represented by dollars, that the average person inthe world will assign to crude oil as it becomes depleted. That is, a hyperbolic-tangent function fit to the product/quotient might be a reasonable projection to the product. The following graph shows such a fit:

Using the projection of world crude-oil extraction into the future, the projected world population, and the fit in the graph above of the product of price times extraction rate divided by the population, the projected price of crude oil is the blue curve in the following graph.:

The red curve is the same curve as in the third graph above.

Saudi Arabia crude-oil extraction

The total amount to be extracted is set at 368x109 barrels, which is the reserves given by plus the amount already extracted.

Saudi Arabia crude-oil extraction extrapolated to the year 2100:

Iran crude-oil extraction

The total amount to be extracted is set at about 190x109 barrels, which is the reserves given by plus the amount already extracted.

Iran crude-oil extraction extrapolated to the year 2100:

Venezuela crude-oil extraction

The total amount to be extracted is set at 133x109 barrels, which is the reserves given by plus the amount already extracted.

Venezuela crude-oil extraction extrapolated to the year 2100:

Mexico crude-oil extraction.

The total amount to be extracted searched to 60x109 barrels, which is very close to the amount given by plus the amount already extracted.

Mexico crude-oil extraction extrapolated to the year 2100:

Soviet-Union/Russia crude-oil extraction.

The total amount to be extracted searched 504x109 barrels, which is more than the amount given by plus the amount already extracted (430x109 barrels)

Note the drastic drop when the Soviet Union collapsed.

Soviet-Union/Russia crude-oil extraction extrapolated to the year 2100:

World Natural-Gas Extraction

The blue curve corresponds to known resources. The red curve doubles the known resources.

World Natural-Gas Discoveries:

This and the curve below for world natural-gas extraction were fitted together with a common value for amount eventually discovered and extracted (7.8x1015 ft3).

Comparison of world natural-gas discoveries and extraction.

The amount under both curves is about 7.8 x 1015 ft3.

This graph contains information that probably will have the greatest effect on those now living and born in the future. Natural gas cannot be extracted if it has not been discovered! This graph shows very clearly why it is very unlikely that the final amount to be extracted will exceed 8x1015 ft3. So far the amount extracted is about 3x1015 ft3, so we are more than one-third of the way there!

World Coal Extraction

The red curve is for total eventual extraction of 1.5 x 1012 tons, The red curve is for twice that amount. gives 1.00 x 1012 tons as the world reserves. (Click on Reserves below International Data at the bottom left.)

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Minerals Depletion